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Sunshine Infant and Nursery School home page

Sunshine Infant and Nursery School

Where little people come to shine

School Day

School Hours


Infant classes                                                            Gates/Classroom doors open at 8.30am               
Morning Session (Reception)

8.40am - 11.30am

Afternoon Session (Reception)

12.30pm - 3.15pm

Morning Session (KS1)8.40am - 12.15pm
Afternoon Session (KS1)1.00pm - 3.15pm


Nursery classes 
Morning Session8:30am - 11.30am
Afternoon Session12.30pm - 3.30pm


The day lasts 6 hours 35 minutes and adds up to a weekly total of 32 hours 55 minutes.


Extended Provision


Sunrise Breakfast Club                                             7.45am - 8.30am
Sunset Afterschool Club3.15pm - 5.30pm
30 Hours Nursery Provision (from Easter 2025)Contact the school office for more information


It is the duty of parents/carers to supervise children on the playground before and after school. Children are not allowed on any equipment for Health & Safety reasons.


Please collect your child on time at the end of the day. School finishes at 3.15pm. Children who have not been collected on time can feel very unhappy and insecure when all other children have been collected and no-one has arrived for them. The school's Education Welfare Officer will be made aware of those children who are not regularly collected and in certain cases it may be necessary to contact Social Services or the police without parental consent.


Please let us know if someone different is collecting your child. May we remind you that children must be brought to school and collected by a responsible adult. Children under the age of 16 are not allowed to bring or collect other children. Walsall's Child Protection team advises school to determine the suitability of anyone other than parents who arrives to collect any child and to make decisions accordingly.


Parents and visitors should always report to the main office during school time. Children arriving late (after 8.45am) must be brought into the school via the school office and not through classroom doors.