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Sunshine Infant and Nursery School home page

Sunshine Infant and Nursery School

Where little people come to shine

Contact Details

School Address:

Sunshine Infant and Nursery School,

Blakenall Lane,





School Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8am - 4pm


School Tel: 01922 710174



All queries, in the first instance can be directed to Miss L Oakley in the school office or Mrs. L Staniszewski - Business Manager by telephone or email, as detailed above 


Headteacher: Miss S Corkindale

Deputy Headteacher: Mrs. N Broadway

School Business Manager: Mrs. L Staniszewski


SENCo: Miss R Taylor can be contacted by telephone or email, as detailed above


Chair of School Committee: Mr. M Christoforou

Chair of Governors for The Lighthouse Federation: Adam Hicken

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