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Sunshine Infant and Nursery School

Where little people come to shine


Wow Active

Wow Active have visited school today to see if we have improved on our physical skills from the autumn term.  The children love these sessions and are very competitive and want to beat their previous scores.  Well done Reception.


We have been using our ten frame to complete simple addition tasks and using our Part Part Whole Model.


We are always busy during our phonics time learning to read and write sounds, words and simple sentences.


Vegetable Picking

Reception have planted and grown vegetables which they were able to pick and take home to cook and eat.  We managed to grow runner beans, sweet peas, carrots and lettuce - we are super vegetable growers!


Class 5 had a busy afternoon outside.

Riley spent a long time creating his giraffe using recyclable materials, he was able to share his knowledge about giraffe's 'It has a long neck and 4 long legs.' 

We like to read our special project books and take a look back through the project floor book at all the lovely activities and work we have done.